There are so many Web 2.0 tools out there, so many that anyone can accomplish wonderful things in a small amount of time. Noteflight is just one of these online tools – but a very musical one!

What is Noteflight?

Noteflight is an online web 2.0 tool that can create scores, activities from scores, scores that playback, print scores; in fact, it is almost like Sibelius/Finale in its input methods and scoring features but with a big difference – it is free and online!  This scoring tool will allow your students to compose, complete theory or composition activities and more from the comfort of their computer. Did I mention it is online?  Well if I did mention it more than once that is because I wish to emphasise that now both PC and MAC owning students can access this excellent tool!  A level playing field for music homework or composition activities.

Why use Noteflight?

I had a play around on Noteflight today after signing up to its free user account and produced an example from one of my students compositions.  We were composing Orff-Style vocal rhythms in Year 7 with percussive accompaniments.  This composition struck me as exceptional so I opened a new score, arranged my staves and entered in the notes using both the keyboard and mouse.  It was incredibly simple.  The noteflight editor is smart, clear and has all the tools you need for basic scoring.  I believe it is a great starter program for junior or middle classes in any music department.  Students could compose individually or in groups, then notate their creations online, listening to each part and finally producing a product that could be placed on a school or family website.  I’m sure my students would love to show their families and friends what they create in Music class!

Read more of Noteflight’s capabilities at their FAQ section.

When I am finished I can grab the embed code of the score and it appears below for all to see.
If your browser isn’t showing it (click here to view it at Noteflight).

For an introductory video into some of Noteflight’s excellent features watch the videos linked below:

Visit Noteflight and take it for a spin! I will be giving my students some tutorial videos on it in the coming weeks.


  1. Thank you for the lovely writeup — the whole team read it and we appreciate the compliments tremendously! Also, your blog is very elegant, a pleasure to take in.

    Are you aware of the Australian project Ping, which is using Noteflight for distance-ed composition activities? They’re at

    Best wishes and good luck,

    Joe Berkovitz
    Noteflight LLC

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